And many decisions in life require no guidance other than common wisdom. Many things we do are out of functional memory, some simply out of preference. Sometimes, we may sense the only guidance is no guidance, and we make a choice. In time, we learn to discern when something arises for clear leadership from Spirit. We learn, in these times, to walk carefully, prayerfully, and wait patiently.
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To walk in the Spirit is more than this matter of being guided in specific ways. Walking in the Spirit entails our whole life, our whole being, lived in honor of and recognition of the Sacred. In living this way, spontaneous moments of guidance arise. Sometimes, outer events will provide guidance, as they shift to point in a direction, sometimes the guidance may be felt more inwardly. More important is not this guidance, but living in and with the Source of this guidance – the Spirit. This is a loving communion, and from it comes the sensitivity to listen to the subtle presence and movements of Grace registered in the physical body.
*June Marie. 'meeting house'. Flickr
The Sacred in Me bows to the Sacred in You
(C) Brian K. Wilcox, 2019